Saturday, May 14, 2022


I really need to brush my ding-dang hair. What a mess!

And not just the tangles and the frizzy ends -- I think there's something sticky in there somewhere too. Man, I sure hope that was from having a super-sonic-gin-and-tonic fun time, and not because I like, fell asleep eating ice cream or something.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

It's Star Wars Day, Bitches!

What, just the title isn't enough for you? Okay, well, we got a kickass new Obi-Wan Kenobi trailer today, too, so all is super-swell and good.

Still not enough? Damn, dude, how much do you expect out of me?

Alright then ... time for a Star Wars Day Resolution!

Aers and I are going to blog the shit out of this Kenobi series on our Experiences blog.

That's not a promise, it's a threat!

May the 4th be with you, absolutamente siempre!

This Again!

Okay, so, my yams are the ones who had the "awesome" idea of me doing this blog, and I'll admit, it's been pretty fun some...