Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Sweet Potato Pie!

Okay, so the BF saw someone online saying people who are poly should be more considerate about using the word "poly" because it doesn't just mean "polyamorous," it also means "Polynesian." They suggested saying "polyam" instead of "poly," and I'm like, hmm, maybe people could tell the difference because the Polynesian people could capitalize it and the polyamorous people usually wouldn't, but then I guess what if someone wanted to all-caps shout it in a tweet or something, which would come out as maybe, "Hey, World, guess what? I'M POLY!" And then nobody would know for sure what they meant.

So, I'm thinking about it as maybe a polyfam topic for discussion, and then I think, why not blog about it? Which I then thought, HELL, YEAH!

Here's the deal, then. Pretty much nobody in our polyfam likes writing "poly" if it's plural. Weird, right? Coz it pretty much means plural. But "polys" looks Greek or something, and "polies" looks like "po lies" squished together. We're definitely not telling no lies around here, but if we were, they wouldn't be po ones. Anyhow, that's all fixed by the solution of "polyams!"

Only "polyam" is kinda a weird mouthful, for some reason. I've always thought "poly" sounded cute and affectionate and informal, which, no offense to you, "polyam," but "polyam" doesn't sound cute or affectionate or informal to me at all.


You know what's in "polyam"?

That's right: yam.

(Also, "ly," which is def appropriate but gets right back where "polys" was with the whole plural-shmural thing.)

So I'm going to see if the polyfam will take one for Team Polynesia and start calling each other "yams."

Wish me luck, folks!


  1. Apropos of nothing, earlier on today I was looking up poi on Wikipedia, as I've known about poi for years (mushy paste food, staple in South Sea islander diets), and many Polynesian people enjoy it as a traditional foodstuff. I can't remember really how this ties into anything you've said, apart from the poly/Poly reference, so I'll stop here.

    On the other hand, Tasha James, former Synthetik model by Sinthetics, often referred to herself and her RealDoll girlfriend/coworker Jenny Densuke as Polymerisians, seeing as that they're polymer-based. I thought that was rather clever, but unfortunately it didn't really catch on, and neither Tasha or Jenny have been heard from in years. :-P

    So let this be a lesson to you!

  2. Haha, Polymerisians! That's a good one!

    Also, I'm wondering if we can do something with "aproposly" ... maybe just "posly!" Yes! You don't pronounce the "s," so it's basically "poly" but the "s" is right there in it, so maybe that's how you make poly plural without it getting too weird-looking. I mean, sure, "posly" is weird-looking and nobody would pronounce it right, but I think there's real potential there.

    Claire and MSG say it's always sad when a doll friend goes quiet. Claire used to really dig this blog by ... (checking with her, just a sec) ... Paige and Monica. Apparently, their boyfriend got a bio-girlfriend and not long after that, poof, no more Paige and Monica posts. I keep thinking maybe I'll go there and read some of them because Claire said they were very fun, but then I think, no, if she's right, I'll just be sad, and if she's wrong, I'll be like, "What the hell? Claire is wrong about something?" And then my world would be all shook.



I'm a few days late blogging about this, but hot damn, did we ever have a fantastic anniversary! This place is cram-packed with annivers...